Poem - Our Dad by helen

Created by Karen 8 years ago
Our Dad

Who knew when to give a hug at just the right time?
Who mixed a great gin and tonic?
Who wouldn’t let us have Ker-Plunk? (too noisy!)
Our Dad, that’s who.

Who had all the gear and no idea?
Who always encouraged us to do our best?
Who said ‘Pull my finger’?
Our Dad, that’s who.

Who loved to have the sun on his back?
Who went out of his way to make everyone laugh?
Who tormented us constantly? (well Helen)
Our Dad, that’s who.

Who could belt out a song?
Who didn’t beat about the bush?
Who was the King of Funny Walks?
Our Dad, that’s who.

Who could grow his own?
Who could eat his bodyweight in Smarties?
Who tickled you ‘til you cried?
Our Dad, that’s who.

Who chased us round the garden with spiders?
Who had a strong dislike for board games?
Who had his very own salute?
Our Dad, that’s who.

Who was brave to the end?
Who loved us without measure?
Who will be in our hearts for evermore?
Our Dad, that’s who.